After the founder Benedict of Nursia (Norcia, Umbria 480 Montecassino 547).
Benedict studied in Rome and later retired to the mountains. He lived a hermit life and spent three years in prayer and penance.
His example attracted so much attention that in 528 he built a monastery on Montecassino near the town of Cassino (Lazio), where pagan worship had been held until then.
His monastic rule was based on the absolute independence of the community, which was composed in such a way that it could exist independently. According to him, an ascetic life also presupposed an active performance. He died in 547. His bones were later transferred to
St Benoît-sur-Loire, south of Orléans, where it is still venerated. The reform movement that spread from the Benedictine monastery of Cluny from the tenth century had a great influence in the Church.
Montecassino survived the occupations and destructions of Lombards, Saracens and Germans. It was besieged for three months during World War II. In May 1944 it fell into the hands of Polish troops.
Reconstruction in the old style and size was completed in 1959. Pope Paul VI consecrated the new abbey in 1964 and proclaimed Benedict the patron saint of Europe.
His feast day falls on March 21 and July 11.