unit of transmission speed -1 baud is 1bit per second
After the French engineer Jean-Maurice-Emile Baudot (Magneux, Haut-Marne 1845 – Sceaux 1903).
Baudot acquired a patent in 1874 for a telegraphic alphabet that would supplant Morse code by the mid-twentieth century.
In Baudot's system, each letter was represented by a five-unit combination of on and off signals of equal duration, which was much more efficient than the dot-and-dash Morse system.
This led to thirty-two combinations, sufficient for the Roman alphabet, punctuation and checking of the mechanical functions. Baudot also invented in 1894 a system for the simultaneous transmission of several messages on one telegraphic circuit or channel.
Modern versions of the Baudot code use groups of seven or eight on and off signals. Groups of seven allow the transmission of 128 characters.